pin Mode

Set the operation of a digital pin to either input or output.

pins.pinMode(DigitalPin.D0, PinMode.Input)

Digital pins can function as input pins (read signals) or output pins (write signals). They can’t operate in both modes at the same time though. So, if you want to make a pin read after it was set to write, you need to change the mode to INPUT. If you want to make a pin write after it was set to read, you need to change the mode to OUTPUT.


  • name: the name of the digital pin to set the mode for, like D5.
  • mode: the operation mode of the pin, either INPUT or OUTPUT.


Change the pin mode of D5 after reading a value of 1. Write a 0 on the same pin.

if (pins.digitalRead(DigitalPin.D5) > 0) {
    pins.pinMode(DigitalPin.D5, PinMode.Output)
    pins.digitalWrite(DigitalPin.D5, 0)

See also

||pins:analog pin mode||