
A Boolean has one of two possible values: true; false. Boolean (logical) operators (and, or, not) take Boolean inputs and yields a Boolean value. Comparison operators on other types (numbers, strings yields a Boolean value.

The following blocks represent the true and false Boolean values, which can be plugged in anywhere a Boolean value is expected:

let on = true;

The next three blocks represent the three Boolean (logic) operators:

let and = true && false;
let or = true || false;
let not = !true;

The next six blocks represent comparison operators that yield a Boolean value. Most comparisons you will do involve numbers:

let equality = 42 == 42;
let inequality = 42 != 42;
let lowerThan = 42 < 0;
let greaterThan = 42 > 0;
let lowerOrEqualThan =42 <= 0;
let greaterOrEqualThan = 42 >= 0;

Boolean values and operators are often used with an if or while statement to determine which code will execute next. For example:

Functions that return a Boolean

Some functions return a Boolean value, which you can store in a Boolean variable. For example, the following code gets the on/off state of point (1, 2) and stores this in the Boolean variable named on. Then the code clears the screen if on is true:

Boolean operators

Boolean operators take Boolean inputs and evaluate to a Boolean output:

Conjunction: A and B

A and B evaluates to true if-and-only-if both A and B are true:

let off = false && false;
let off2 = false && true;
let off3 = true && false;
let on = true && true;

Disjunction: A or B

A or B evaluates to true if-and-only-if either A is true or B is true:

let off = false || false;
let on = false || true;
let on2 =true || false;
let on3 = true || true;

Negation: not A

not A evaluates to the opposite (negation) of A:

let on = !false;
let off = !true;