set level

Set the output value of an analog pin as a percentage of total output. The brightness of the LED for that pin is set at the same percentage.

lights.setLevel(AnalogPin.A0, 100)

Both the output voltage and the LED brightness are set to a percentage of the total possible. So, if the maximum output voltage is +3V, then this will make +1.5V and half LED brightness at pin A1:

lights.setLevel(AnalogPin.A1, 50)


  • name: the analog pin with the LED you what to set a output perecentage for.
  • value: a number that is between 0 and 100 that is a percentage of the total output value.


Set the analog pin value on A0 from 0 to 100 percent in ten steps. The LED brightness increases for each step.

for (let i = 0; i <= 10; i++) {
    lights.setLevel(AnalogPin.A0, i * 10)

See also
