Light cascade, keep going…

Step 4: Make the blocks to control each LED

Ok, we already have the ||loops:forever|| block for LED 0. It looks like this:

let brightness_0 = 0
loops.forever(function () {
    while (brightness_0 <= 255) {
        lights.setLevel(DigitalPin.D0, brightness_0)
        brightness_0 = brightness_0 + 10 
    while (brightness_0 >= 0) {
        lights.setLevel(DigitalPin.D0, brightness_0)
        brightness_0 = brightness_0 - 10

Instead of repeating the same steps that we did with LED 0 for each of the other LEDs, let’s just copy the ||loops:forever|| block for LED 0 change a few things inside. You’ll do this for each of the LEDs.

Copying blocks

You can duplicate (copy) a whole block by right-clicking on the block and choosing duplicate. An exact copy is created and shows up in your workspace. You drag the new copy to someplace in the editor where you want put it and click to release.

The ||loops:forever|| blocks for each LED have some differences from each other. Carefully follow the steps for each so that the LEDs will work in the right way.

Controlling LED 1

Make the ||loops:forever|| block for LED 1:

  1. Duplicate the ||loops:forever|| block for LED 0 to make a new block for LED 1.
  2. In the new block, change each variable name of brightness_0 to brightness_1.
  3. Add a ||loops:pause|| to the BEGINNING of the ||loops:forever|| loop set it to 600 milliseconds.
  4. Change the ||loops:pause|| at the END of the ||loops:forever|| loop to 900 milliseconds.
let brightness_1 = 0
loops.forever(function () {
    while (brightness_1 <= 255) {
        lights.setLevel(DigitalPin.D1, brightness_1)
        brightness_1 = brightness_1 + 10 
    while (brightness_1 >= 0) {
        lights.setLevel(DigitalPin.D1, brightness_1)
        brightness_1 = brightness_1 - 10


Controlling LED 2

Make the ||loops:forever|| block for LED 2:

  1. Duplicate the ||loops:forever|| block for LED 1 to make a new block for LED 2.
  2. In the new block, change each variable name of brightness_1 to brightness_2.
  3. Change the ||loops:pause|| at the BEGINNING of the ||loops:forever|| loop to 600 milliseconds.
  4. Change the ||loops:pause|| at the END of the ||loops:forever|| loop to 900 milliseconds.
let brightness_2 = 0
loops.forever(function () {
    while (brightness_2 <= 255) {
        lights.setLevel(DigitalPin.D2, brightness_2)
        brightness_2 = brightness_2 + 10 
    while (brightness_2 >= 0) {
        lights.setLevel(DigitalPin.D2, brightness_2)
        brightness_2 = brightness_2 - 10


Controlling LED 3

Make the ||loops:forever|| block for LED 3:

  1. Duplicate the ||loops:forever|| block for LED 2 to make a new block for LED 3.
  2. In the new block, change each variable name of brightness_2 to brightness_3.
  3. Change the ||loops:pause|| at the BEGINNING of the ||loops:forever|| loop to 900 milliseconds.
  4. Change the ||loops:pause|| at the END of the ||loops:forever|| loop to 1200 milliseconds.
let brightness_3 = 0
loops.forever(function () {
    while (brightness_3 <= 255) {
        lights.setLevel(DigitalPin.D3, brightness_3)
        brightness_3 = brightness_3 + 10 
    while (brightness_3 >= 0) {
        lights.setLevel(DigitalPin.D3, brightness_3)
        brightness_3 = brightness_3 - 10


Controlling LED 4

Make the ||loops:forever|| block for LED 4:

  1. Duplicate the ||loops:forever|| block for LED 3 to make a new block for LED 4.
  2. In the new block, change each variable name of brightness_3 to brightness_4.
  3. Change the ||loops:pause|| at the BEGINNING of the ||loops:forever|| loop to 1200 milliseconds.
  4. Change the ||loops:pause|| at the END of the ||loops:forever|| loop to 300 milliseconds.
let brightness_4 = 0
loops.forever(function () {
    while (brightness_4 <= 255) {
        lights.setLevel(DigitalPin.D4, brightness_4)
        brightness_4 = brightness_4 + 10 
    while (brightness_4 >= 0) {
        lights.setLevel(DigitalPin.D4, brightness_4)
        brightness_4 = brightness_4 - 10

Controlling LED 5

Make the ||loops:forever|| block for LED 5:

  1. Duplicate the ||loops:forever|| block for LED 4 to make a new block for LED 5.
  2. In the new block, change each variable name of brightness_4 to brightness_5.
  3. Change the ||loops:pause|| at the BEGINNING of the ||loops:forever|| loop to 1500 milliseconds.
  4. Delete the ||loops:pause|| block at the END of the ||loops:forever|| loop.
let brightness_5 = 0
loops.forever(function () {
    while (brightness_5 <= 255) {
        lights.setLevel(DigitalPin.D5, brightness_5)
        brightness_5 = brightness_5 + 10 
    while (brightness_5 >= 0) {
        lights.setLevel(DigitalPin.D5, brightness_5)
        brightness_5 = brightness_5 - 10


Good work! Now that you’ve completed your code, let’s have it run and see happens. Do you see the fade in and fade out of each LED?